March 8, 2011

prepping, packing, and paradise

It's been a fun and busy start of the week as I prep and pack for our Florida trip!

I can hardly believe our annual family vacation to Florida is just about here! My WONDERFUL husband suggested that I spend 2 weeks on Captiva Island this year rather than our usual 1 week because I'm not working on have lots of time on my hands. =) We were able to change my ticket just a couple weeks ago and were so blessed that we didn't have to pay anything for the change!! So I'll fly out Saturday and spend the first few day with Jordan's mom and grandparents, then Jordan's sister and step-dad will join on Wednesday, and Jordan will join the following Saturday.

I am so thankful for a man that not only provides for our family and loves me so selflessly, he is ALSO willing to work a week at home so I can be on vacation! What a guy!

My new view in just 5 short days!

1 comment:

  1. We are so excited for you guys! Seeping with jealousy, but so excited! We will miss you both. <3
